Hey All... where have I been?!?! Huh?! Hiding under a rock. Christmas got the best of me. Then came New Year's.... I have been working on my public and private sites, bringing them all up to date, getting Little C's up to date to share with the public who the new up coming Divas are, and now I have to do taxes. Why is there sooo many things to do ALL THE TIME?!?!?! Just when I have time to create, the

sink is full with dishes, or it is time to cook dinner. LOL!! Speaking of dinner, one of the new things I am going to try is cooking dinner during work hours, so that when it comes time, all I have to do is microwave the frozen food. Yep, I still have got to TRY that first!!! Hee hee....
Ok, so let's get back to my posting... I bought me a new Pink Lucious Camera Bag. About a month ago, I was the owner of a Sony Pink Camera - like the one shown above..... around that same time, my

son Cy took it out of my bag, and dropped it on the floor. I was bummed, well, more like devastated. 2 days after that, I purchased the same type of camera, but they didn't have any pink ones in stock, so I went with the black. That's where Ms. Pink Lucious Camera Bag comes in... just had to have her. She was purchased at Walmart, and was the last one hanging there, waiting to be purchased.
Upon arrival at my home, I immediately christened her with one of my initial charms, "J" of course....
Isn't it a purdy one?!?

Ok... come back tomorrow... ever seen a "Mountain Apple" fruit?