Monday, December 1, 2008

Things That Make Me Go Hmmmm.....

  • The bill to fix my car!! Had to take it in to the shop today.... broken thermostat cover.... How the heck does one break a thermostat cover? The connections to my battery were also LOOSE!!! That is why it kept shutting down n' not being able to start up (I had to pop the hood, and slam to restart).
  • The pimple on my forehead that keeps itching, but hurts when I scratch it.... what the heck?!


Jan Scholl said...

you mean the thermometer in the engine? or another place? I didn't know it had a cover.

If you rode on MIchigan roads, all the bolts would fall out of your car from the shaking and potholes. I find some in the drive and in the garage. Never sure which one goes to which car (could be the mower or blower too)

JackieLou said...

I scratch mine too whenever I have one... hahaha but I scratch till I start havin' a red ring mark around the pimple hahahaha.

Gina Wrona said...

I agree w/Jan about our Michigan roads, then you end up needing tires and a wheel alignment from all the bumps & bruises!

Funny, I have one on the side of my face that just started itching today towards my jaw line. ugh!