Wednesday, February 4, 2009

God's Hawaii

It's always a blessing to drive around and see all the natural wonders of our weather. Here are some photos I took while driving around our beautiful state.....

This one was taken while I waited in a McD's drive thru... the bright thing with a black outline is our sun, the other bright thing to the left of it is the moon. Of course I didn't know the moon was there before I took this photo. But what a surprise I got when I looked at it.

Today's afternoon sky was GORGEOUS!!!! I couldn't NOT take pics... just had to share!!! The sky looks as though it was sponged with cotton, huh?!

More later....


Jan Scholl said...

I want to see volcanos please. Since I am a fire child.

Gina Wrona said...

Beautiful, thank you very much for sharing.

Hugs & Aloha,