This morning, as I took Cy to school, I realized that my slippahs (thongs/flip flops) was broken!!! But I didn't realize this until AFTER I dropped off Cy to his homeroom. I couldn't help but think about those walking behind me, and if they saw my broken slippahs, were they laughing at it? or even checking it out to see if it was really broken? I'm just paranoid like that. OR what about those that saw it before I did? As I was walking Cy to his class? How come they didn't say nothing?! HOOO.... MAKE SHAME!!! I just walked back to my car casually, making sly, like I dunno that the slippah was broken with a piece flopping out.... and when I get inside my car, I make a "ahhhhhhkkkkkk" sound. Oh well, should've known that a Walmart slippah wouldn't have lasted me a long time anyways. I could always just add some Aelene glue so that it sticks again. But I think the weight of my body has a lot to do with why that piece came flopping out in the first place. Maybe I can use push pins to hold it in place? hmmm... well, these are going to be off limits for a while.
LOL at your slippas Jen, if I was walking behind you I would have said something to you. I tripped trying to step up on a curb (i'm a cluts) about a month or so ago and broke one of my flip flops sandle shoe I was wearing, it was about 10am and I had to go the whole day with a broken shoe (BLAH!), I was at work when this happened and NO one said anything, so once I noticed it, I did what any girl would do, I scotch taped it until I got home and could throw them away! hehehe
Gee, Jen, this blog is just as good as your other blogs ... you can get a blog with the Honolulu Advertiser soon or start a compilation and write a book one day. Keep the stories coming.
Your too funny! It's got to be from the glue they use, don't ya think? Luv the new blog & look forward to more blabbing! I sent you my pic.
Crazy glue will work. I have some old shoes-like 30 years old and they are fine. Made by the local indians before they got the casinos. Best shoes other than my feet turn black or red if they sweat or get wet. oh well, got my money's worth.
I try not to wear shoes if I can but anyplace outside my house it's required by law. unless you are a kid.
I had a similar thing happen to me just last week! I wish I hadn't just thrown the shoes away, they were pitiful. BOTH were broken in the same place and started to come apart at the sides too. I didn't realize this til I was AT WORK. LOL. I feel for ya! And they were my fav shoes too!
eh..girlfriend... I had the same kine slippa...sheesh, mine wen bust too...
Ha! I found you. Love the new blog. You know me, I'd follow you anywhere!
LOL! I probably wouldn't have said nothing either. I'm the type to mind my own business. LOL! But if it looked like you were about to trip, I would let you know! Worse than a broken slippah is walking around with your pants inside out and believe it or not. . .nobody told me my pants were the wrong way! LOL! I only noticed it when I was in my car and felt the seams. LOL!
OMG! Look at those marvelous toe nails. I wouldn't notice the broken slipper cause your tootsies look so beautiful!
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