There is a sofa in our bedroom - at the foot of our bed, that we refer to as "our" (CY3 n' I) sofa. This sofa never fails to attract the clothes and things that we have. Instead of leaving our clothes around on the floor, we simply pick it up, and toss it over

to our sofa. It's a habit, we all do it..... it's actually quite natural of our arm limbs to throw anything towards our sofa, so that it can sit there (instead of us, of course). It can get pretty bad, where clothes and things are piled high on this sofa. Especially when family or friends are coming over, and I have laundry that are unfold. I have to think of a plan and get them clothes hidden right away!!! So, we turn to Our Sofa!!!
Well, it got pretty bad a couple of weeks ago, where clothes, books and other stuffs were piled on there, and we were in need of a flashlight. We looked high n' low throughout the house, and couldn't find it. Then it dawned on us... that maybe... just maybe.... the flashlight could be under all that stuff on Our Sofa. AAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKKK..... CY3 and I went through all the clothes, smelled them, folded them up, or tossed them in the laundry pile and put the clean ones away. Cy's toys were also on there, among some books that we read to him at bedtime, that are easily tossed on to Our Sofa right before we shut out the lights. I found hair ties, a bubble bottle, a the best.... a used but folded up bandaid..... aaaaccckkkkkKKKK!!!!! The flashlight was later found tucked waaaaaay under the sofa pillows. It was practically shoved in between the arm, and the part where the springs are hidden under. I wonder if all that weight of the stuffs pushed the flashlight into there. I vowed, (and I shouldn't

have), on that day, that I would keep our sofa tidy, and not get it to that point again. LOL.... so I hope I can keep it looking like a sofa, and not a piled high one. Wish Me Luck!!! Here are before n' after shots of Our Sofa as of today. Although it's not a piled high photo, it can get pretty darn high. I will post frequent photos of Our Sofa, sharing them with you will make sure that I am on top of keeping it tidy. Before CY3 n' I got married, we were living together, and instead of a sofa, we had a box in the corner of our bedroom.... LOL.... THAT used to pile HIGH too!!! =0) I guess some habits are definitely hard to kick, huh?!
Your sofa is like my dining room table. No sooner do I clean it up and things get piled up again. Keep the stories coming ... I'm enjoying them.
LOL! We used to have the same problem at our home where we would pile things in one specific section or area of our house. I have a suggestion that actually worked for my daughter in regards to her room. Her bed can't even be laid on because she changes clothes 50 times in the morning. She doesn't have time to put the clothes away so she just piles it on her bed. When it's really bad, she'll sleep on the couch. Even the cats don't want to go near her bed when it's a mess.
Here is what I did.. . .I bought 2 large "pretty" woven baskets with a cover (similar to a laundry basket but it can be used for anything). I put them at the end of her bed and she just throws the dirty clothes in one basket and clean ones in the other. When she has the time, she puts away the clean clothes and bring the dirty ones into the laundry room. Now, rather than automatically throwing the clothes on her bed, she throws them in the basket.
You can do the same thing for your living room. If you can find nice bamboo or woven baskets, they'll look like decorative features in your living room and no one will know that there's junk in it. LOL! Just a suggestion.
I did the same thing with our kitchen. I bought a nice box for our kitchen and I just throw all the junk mail and stuff in the box and clean it out every few months or so.
Well, I'm glad your couch is all cleaned up and you guys can finally sit on it and enjoy it!!
Don't you wish you had a maid? LOL!
Love your stories Jen! This is so funny. I think we all have an area like this. I have a trunk at the end of my bed and its a natural place to throw things to "hang up or put away later". It will get WAY high where stuff looks like its going to topple to the floor before I actually do anything with it. LOL. We'll hold you accountable to keep that sofa clean!!! We need a sofa cam!!!
Sofa???????? My whole house looks like that.stamp here , stamp there, everywhere a stamp stamp.... oh that and dp everywhere...
Too funny, my family room chair is just like your sofa! It has mostly stampin' stuff that I never got around to putting away.
I just don't have a sofa...haha! good thing I don't own the house, my mom would be pissed if I kept the sofa piled high. Now my craft table is another story..hahahaha! Just tidied up last night before I realized that I felt like crap and needed to go to's ready for me to start crafting and pile high with my stuffs...:) Love this any kine talk story blog...great idea and love reading the stories!! Do you realize that I neva see you in person in ages?? I'm so jealous every time wini tells me that she's going to go to your house...oh well, hopefully soon sister! xo, Teri
Ha! My husband has a chair in the bedroom that looks similar to that. It's piled high with his shorts until I start to hang them. Kind of looks like my work table and my sewing table too.
Ha! My husband has a chair in the bedroom that looks similar to that. It's piled high with his shorts until I start to hang them. Kind of looks like my work table and my sewing table too.
Sorry Jen, I clicked it twice.
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